The German composer and stage director Heiner Goebbels takes on the poetic, incantatory and explosive verses of Henri Michaux (1899-1984). “I can’t say which fascinates me more in his work, the poems, the paintings or the drawings. Maybe I’m trying to get closer to him through a third medium, acoustic,” he says. Through the performance of the actor David Bennent, accompanied by two pianists and an installation replete with sound and electronic effects, Heiner Goebbels brings his ironic approach to the poet’s magnetic world.



28 september 2022

  • Grande Salle
  • from 10 to 36 €
  • Pass châtelet

Production Théâtre National du Luxembourg  ; KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen (Hanovre)
Coproduction Wiener Festwochen ; deSingel – International arts campus (Anvers) ; Ensemble Modern (Francfort)
Coréalisation Théâtre du Châtelet ; Festival d’Automne à Paris


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