
A thrilling new double bill by internationally celebrated choreographer Hofesh Shechter, presenting two distinctly contrasting pieces of contemporary dance for our times.

One half of the evening is Clowns, a sarcastic nod to our ever-growing indifference to violence; originally created for Nederlands Dans Theater 1 and later produced as a film and broadcast by the BBC to great acclaim. In a macabre comedy of murder and desire, Clowns unleashes a whirlwind of choreographed anarchy, testing how far we are willing to go in the name of entertainment.

As an antidote to the murderous, poisonous energy of Clowns, Shechter’s new creation, The Fix, brings a tender, fragile energy to the stage. It offers a raw and compassionate moment to balance the forces of aggression and violence that press on us daily. A shield to protect us from the noise of life outside, and a place that allows the performers to be fragile, be seen for their utmost human qualities. Violence, tenderness and hope are all laid bare through Shechter’s achingly beautiful, cinematic lens.

Performed by ten of his inimitable dancers and accompanied by the epic sounds of a Shechter-composed score, Double Murder explores painful truths and delves into our deepest emotions.

“Shechter has a remarkable flair for inventive and visceral rhythms (not surprising, perhaps, given that he was a rock drummer) and a genius for unpredictable moves, for elongated, fluid phrasing, and for turning his ensemble into a single sensual being, part human, part animal.” The Times

“He has a rare talent for channelling raw dance energy into patterns of shimmering, rhythmic intricacy; the knotted, gnarly grace of his signature style is purely his own.” The Guardian

Dans le cadre des saisons du Théâtre de la Ville Hors les murs et du Théâtre Châtelet

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