“The engine is overheating, the petrol is running out and the hose is about to blow”. This is how author Alain Damasio describes the urgency that emanates from Room With A View. Through this show, which premiered at the Châtelet in 2020 and has now been enriched with an augmented and complementary experience, Views of A Room, RONE and (LA)HORDE examine the contours of a predicted disaster.

Together with the Ballet National de Marseille, they embody the subterranean movements that agitate us. Choreography and music tell the story of the suffering and anger of today’s generations and bring out the beauty of chaos, during a last rave before the end of the world in an abandoned quarry.


Commande du Théâtre du Châtelet en accord avec Décibels productions, Dif Productions et InFiné
Coproduction Théâtre du Châtelet
Ballet national de Marseille
Grand Théâtre de Provence

Châtelet Pass

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