8 Nov. 2019

Nov 23 Talks
Fighting for Gender Equality in the Workplace: Two Panels
Panel 1: Reporting on Gender Equality Post #MeToo (2:30–4 p.m)
New York Times gender editor Jessica Bennett talks with
Théâtre du Châtelet’s artistic director Ruth Mackenzie about media’s coverage of inclusivity in the workplace: its challenges, results and what still needs to be done.
Panel 2: Gender Equality in the Arts: Why it Matters Now (5–6:30 p.m.)
New York Times culture reporter Farah Nayeri explores the pursuit of gender equality with cultural and media leaders Star Jones, Laurence des Cars and Christophe Girard. The panelists will discuss topics ranging from the underrepresentation of art by women in museums to the slow pace in hiring female filmmakers.